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0x501 Backend

1. Kernel

1.1. Convolution

1.1.1. matrix multiplication

1.1.2. Winograd

Fast Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Networks

1.2. Attention


reduce communication cost between SRAM and HBM by tiling + rematerilization

2. Execution

2.1. Tensorflow

There are a few runtime for tensorflow

2.1.1. executor

default runtime and served as a reference runtime. It is essentially an interpreter for graphs.

It does some transformation/optimization with Grappler (at the graph level, not IR level) and executed with pre-defined ops kernels.

the execution path is (probably)

tf.graph -> kernels

2.1.2. TFRT

a new runtime which lower graph into BEF format (also defined with MLIR), then executed by BEF executor


The execution path is

tf.graph -> BEF -> kernels

2.1.3. tf2xla (symbolic execution)

The execution path is

tf.graph -> XLA-HLO -> LLVM IR -> kernel

tf2xla implements XlaOpKernel for each operation in tf.graph as the standard kernel in executor, during the execution, this kernel will be a new xla graph, which will be compiled down to the assembly with xla compilation. For example, see the softmax XlaOpKernel here


JIT and auto-cluster ops that can be compiled are auto-clustered together. (in tf2, only code inside tf.function will be clustered)


3. Communication


3.1. AllReduce

3.1.1. Ring-based Algorithm

implemented with ReduceScatter + AllGather

examples are Horovod and Baidu AllReduce. See Baidu's simple allreduce's implementation using MPI_Irecv and MPI_Send

3.1.2. 2D Ring Algorithm

3.1.3. Double-binary Tree

examples are NCCL implementation. See this blog

4. Compiler

Check this repo

4.1. CUDA

CUDA implementations related to deep learning

How to transponse efficiently

4.2. XLA

IR is typically represented with MLIR.

MLIR (Multi-Level Intermediate Representation) defines multiple dialects and progressively convert (lowering) towards machine code.

Relevant links

4.2.1. XLA HLO

HLO has limited orthogonal well-defined ops (< 100), can be lowered from tensorflow graph. Semantic of HLO is defined in the XLA semantics page

4.2.2. XLA LLO

LLO instruction roughly corresponds to single instruction in TPU ISA

4.2.3. XLA

XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra) is a domain-specific compiler, this youtube video is a good introduction.

Originally, each operation in the computation graph has a predefined and precompiled kernel that the executor dispatches to, instead XLA compiles the computation graph into a sequence of computation kernels specifically for the model.

Tt can be used as JIT or AOT (ahead of time) compilation.

JIT benefit:

  • fast execution (with some compilation overhead)
  • this is achieved by binding dim lately to make it static

AOT benefit:

  • turn model into executables without runtime.
  • this helps to reduce footprint (for example on Mobile)

The major speedup comes from the fusion process:

  • without compiler: a op grabs something from memory, do some operation, and write it back to memory, the next op will repeat the same step
  • with compiler: if the next op is operating on the same operand, then it directly operating (e.g. within register) without the redundant memory write/read

Another speedup comes from unrolling and vectorizing along some known dimension


it seems there are several compilation happened inside (something like the LLVM design, which has front/back separation)

  • tensorflow API -> XLA HLO: The frontend of XLA produces the HLO (High Level Operation, something like the compiler IR). partitioning also happens here to add comm ops
  • XLA HLO -> XLA (optimized) HLO: HLO get optimized
  • XLA HLO -> machine code: The backend of XLA produces the target-dependent hardware code. Actually, the backend depends on LLVM. They emit LLVM IR necessary to represent the XLA HLO computation, and then invoke LLVM to emit native code from this LLVM IR. For example, CPU backend implementation for XLA can be found here

A example of the first stage is illustrated as follows:

def f(x):
  return x + 1

f.experimental_get_compiler_ir(tf.random.normal([10, 10]))(stage='hlo')

This will produce the following

HloModule a_inference_f_13__.9

ENTRY %a_inference_f_13__.9 (arg0.1: f32[10,10]) -> f32[10,10] {
  %arg0.1 = f32[10,10]{1,0} parameter(0), parameter_replication={false}
  %reshape.2 = f32[10,10]{1,0} reshape(f32[10,10]{1,0} %arg0.1)
  %constant.3 = f32[] constant(1)
  %broadcast.4 = f32[10,10]{1,0} broadcast(f32[] %constant.3)
  %add.5 = f32[10,10]{1,0} add(f32[10,10]{1,0} %reshape.2,
                               f32[10,10]{1,0} %broadcast.4)
  %reshape.6 = f32[10,10]{1,0} reshape(f32[10,10]{1,0} %add.5)
  %tuple.7 = (f32[10,10]{1,0}) tuple(f32[10,10]{1,0} %reshape.6)
  ROOT %get-tuple-element.8 = f32[10,10]{1,0}
    get-tuple-element((f32[10,10]{1,0}) %tuple.7), index=0

XLA can fuse multiple operations into one operation, therefore improve in both excution speed and memory usage, this can be seen by setting the stage to optimized_hlo

print(f.experimental_get_compiler_ir(tf.random.normal([10, 10]))(stage='optimized_hlo'))

which yields the following, notice that it is shorter by removing some redundent reshape ops

HloModule a_inference_f_87__.9, alias_passthrough_params=true, entry_computation_layout={(f32[10,10]{1,0})->f32[10,10]{1,0}}

%fused_computation (param_0: f32[10,10]) -> f32[10,10] {
  %param_0 = f32[10,10]{1,0} parameter(0)
  %constant.0 = f32[] constant(1), metadata={op_type="AddV2" op_name="add"}
  %broadcast.0 = f32[10,10]{1,0} broadcast(f32[] %constant.0), dimensions={}, metadata={op_type="AddV2" op_name="add"}
  ROOT %add.0 = f32[10,10]{1,0} add(f32[10,10]{1,0} %param_0, f32[10,10]{1,0} %broadcast.0), metadata={op_type="AddV2" op_name="add"}

ENTRY %a_inference_f_87__.9 (arg0.1: f32[10,10]) -> f32[10,10] {
  %arg0.1 = f32[10,10]{1,0} parameter(0), parameter_replication={false}, metadata={op_name="XLA_Args"}
  ROOT %fusion = f32[10,10]{1,0} fusion(f32[10,10]{1,0} %arg0.1), kind=kLoop, calls=%fused_computation, metadata={op_type="AddV2" op_name="add"}

4.3. Numba

check numba docs

4.4. Triton

unlike XLA targeting compiling against the entire graph, triton seems to focus on writing efficient code for a specific kernel.

openai blog post

4.5. Pallas

jax version of triton, writing kernel language for TPU/GPU


5. Reference