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2. CSS

2.1. Basic

2.1.1. Selector

Note there is a non-trivial specificity ranking algorithm to resolve selector conflicts based on how specify each selector is.

Basic Selector

  • universal selector
  • element selector
  • id selector
  • class selector
  • attribute selector (e.g: [name]="value")

pseudo classes select elements based on some special states of the element

UI state

  • :active: when activated, for button and links
  • :checked: for radio button and select box
  • :focus: for button, links and textbox
  • :hover: triggered when mouse hover

Document Structure - :first-child, :last-child: match the element that is the first or last of its parent

pseudo elements select only a part of the matched element

  • ::first-line
  • ::first-letter
  • ::before, ::after: special pseudo elements which create first or last child of the matched element

2.1.2. Box Model

Box sizing: the size of an element is specified with the width and height properties. Its interpretation depends on the box-sizing property

  • content-box (default): width and height are width/height for the content area, so border, padding will add more width/height
  • border-box: width and heights are width/height for the area inside borders (border + padding + content area)

2.1.3. Units

Some common units are

  • px: not recommended anymore, because css px is no longer 1-1 mapped to phyiscal pixels. only use this to setup default font-size
  • em: relative unit, can cascade
  • rem: root relative unit, will not cascade
  • vw,vh: viewport width, height

2.1.4. CSS variables

CSS variables is defined with --varname and referenced with var(--varname) function. They can be inherited by descendent elements

:root {
    --heading-color: blue;
h1 {
    color: var(--heading-color);

2.2. Display

Commonly used display properties are block, inline, flex and grid.

2.2.1. Block and Inline

There are block, inline, inline-block elements, these can be set with the display property

.hello {
    display: inline;

Block element

  • appears on its own line
  • takes up the full width of its parent when no width is given
  • height is just enough to fit its contents when no height is given

Examples are p, div, article...

Inline element

  • appears inside the normal flow of text (according to the writing mode)
  • only takes up enough width and height, setting width/height properties has no effect
  • left-padding and right-padding works as expected but other padding and margin will not work normally (will affect other elements)

Examples are a, span, img, button, input...

Inline-Block element

  • flow works like inline
  • all padding, margin works as expected

2.2.2. Flexbox

A flexbox container is created by setting an element's display property to flex, this will create a block flexbox. To create an inline version, inline-flex is also available

flex-direction specify how to align the elements, it can be row (horizontal alignment) or column (vertical alignment)

2.2.3. Grid

3. Reference

  • [1] Attardi, Joe. "Modern CSS."