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0x503 Reinforcement Learning

The actual problems in RL have large number of state spaces, which requires large memory and computation when using tabular based approach. We would like to use approximated models to generalize our observations.

1. Prediction Approximation

We use \(\hat{v}(s, w) \sim v_\pi(s)\) where \(\hat{v}\) is any approximated model parameterized with \(w\)

2. Control Approximation

3. Reward Approximation

Defining or obtaining a good reward function might be difficult, we want to learn it instead

3.1. Demonstration

In typical RL, we learn \(\pi\) from \(R\), but here we learn \(R\) from \(\pi\)

Model (inverse RL) inverse RL is defined to be the problem of extracting a reward function given observed optimal behavior.

Suppose we know the state, action space and transition model. Given a policy or demonstrations, we want to find reward \(R\)

Here is a lecture slide

Offline IRL is to recover the rewards from a fixed, finite set of demonstrations.

Model (max entropy) recover the reward function by assigning high rewards to the expert policy while assinging low rewards to other policy based on the max entropy principle

3.2. Human Feedback

Model (human preference model) solving tasks that human can only recognizes the desired behavior instead of demonstrating it

The reward is first trained using human ranking instead of ratings.

Those rewards are fed to the RL algorithm

human preference

4. Policy Approximation

4.1. Vanilla Policy Gradient

4.2. Trust Region Policy Optimization

Constraining the gradient update using KL-divergence

4.3. Proximal Policy Optimization

PPO also improves the training stability by avoid taking too large policy updates

5. Reference

[0] RL book 2nd

[1] OpenAI doc

[2] Hugging Face Deep RL Course