0x347 SQL
1. Foundation
SQL language is divided into several distinct parts:
Data Definition Language (DDL)
- it is statements concerned with database schemas and how data should be stored in the database
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
- it is statements dealing with data manipulation
Transaction Control Language (TCL)
- begin, end and roll back transactions
- e.g. commit, rollback
Data Control Language (DCL)
- related to rights, permission
- e.g. grant, revoke
2. Data Types
2.1. Numeric
In mysql, we have following types, each type can be signed or unsigned
- tinyint (1 byte)
- smallint (2 byte)
- mediumint (3 byte)
- int (4 byte)
- bigint (8 byte)
Floating point numbers:
- float(p, s)
- double(p, s)
2.2. String
Character data can be stored as either fixed-length CHAR
or variable-length strings VARCHAR
The character set can be choosed, utf-8 is the default encoding in MySQL.
Note the max length is different across different SQL implementations.
- char: right-padded, will consume fixed space, up to 255 bytes in MySQL
- varchar: not padded, will not consume fixed space, up to 65535 bytes in MySQL (originally 255), it will store 1,2 bytes prefix to indicate the length
- text: up to 65535 in MySQL
2.2.1. String functions
Note that different SQL implements different API with similar features, here we list the MySQL's APIs.
- char: int to char
- ascii: char to int
- length: length
- concat: concatenation
- strcmp: comparison
- position: find
- locate: find from an offset
- substring: substring
- insert: insertion
2.3. Temporal
- date: YYYY-MM-DD
- datetime: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS (1000 ~ 9999)
- timestamp: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS (1970-01-01 ~ 2038-01-18)
- year: YYYY
- time: HHH:MI:SS
3. Operators
3.1. Conditions Operators
Conditions is used to filter out unwanted data, these can be combined using operators such as not, or, and, parenthesis.
- equality condition (e.g: =)
- inequality conditioin (e.g: <> or !=)
- comparision and range condition(e.g: <, >, between and)
- membership condition: (e.g: in (A, B, C))
- matching condition: (e.g: _, % wildcards and reg exp)
- null condition: (e.g: is null, is not null)
3.2. Set Operators
Set operators takes more than 2 tables as their operands.
The following guidelines must apply when performing set operations on two data sets:
- Both data sets must have the same number of columns
- The data types of each column must agree
These are all sepcified by ANSI SQL, but MySQL did not implement intersect and except.
- union, union all: the former removes the duplicates, the later does not
- intersect: intersection
- except: not
4. Select
Roughly, the flow to execute a select is as follows:
- server checks the permission and syntax of the statement
- query is handed to the query optimizer to determine the most efficient way to execute
- optimizer picks up an execution plan, which the server uses to execute your query
Several components or clauses make up the select statement
- select: determines columns
- from identifies the table from which to retrieve data
- where: determines rows (filter out unwanted rows)
- group by: used to group rows together by common column values
- having: filter out unwanted groups
- order by: sorts the rows of the final result set by one or more columns (ascent by default)
From clause can take
- permanent tables (created using create table)
- derived tables (rows returned by a subquery and held in memory)
- temporary tables
- virtual tables (create view)
5. Aggregation
- count(*): count all lines
- count(col): count not NULL lines
- count(distinct col): count distinct lines
6.1. Setup
# first time login using postgres peer authentication
sudo -u postgres psql
# create new user and new db from bash
sudo -u postgres createuser -s ec2-user
sudo -u postgres createdb ec2-user
-- show all tables
-- show schema of table
\d table_name
-- example
ec2-user=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | machine | table | ec2-user
public | video | table | ec2-user
public | word | table | ec2-user
(3 rows)
ec2-user=# \d word;
Table "public.word"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
word | character varying(512) | | |
started | boolean | | |
done | boolean | | |
lang | character varying(8) | | |
updated_at | timestamp without time zone | | |
host | character varying(255) | | |
-- bulk copy
\copy my_table from './test.csv' CSV
7. Reference
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