0x543 Diffusion
- Lecture Video by Jascha
- nnabla lecture
4.1. Score Matching Models
The general score matching description is here
Model (denoising score matching)
Model (sliced score matching)
Model (NCSN, Noise Conditional Score Networks) Contributions are
- perturbing the data using various levels of noise \(\sigma_1, ..., \sigma_L\)
- simultaneously estimating scores corresponding to all noise levels by training a single conditional score network \(s_\theta\)
The sampling is done by the annealed Langevin dynamic, which continue to applye Langevin dynamic for each noise scale \(\sigma_i\)
4.2. Denoising Diffusion
Model (DDPM, Denoising Diffusion Models) Diffusion models are latent variable models of the forms
where \(x_{1:T}\) are latent variables
reverse process The joint complete distribution \(p_\theta(x_{0:T})\) is called the reverse process, it is defined with
where \(p_{\theta}(T) = N(0, I)\) and
forward process, diffusion process The approximate posterior is a fixed markov chain which adds noise to the data according to a variance schedule \(\beta_1, ..., \beta_T\)
The simplified objective is
This objective is analogous to the loss weighting used by the NCSN denoising score matching model
Model (improved diffusion) Improvment diff are
Noise scheduling is cosine instead of linear, it adds noise more slowly
Learning variance \(\Sigma_\theta(x_t, t)\) instead of using a fixed one \(\sigma^2I\) where \(v\) is learned output
4.3. Sampling
Model (DDIM, denoising diffusion implicit model) faster sampling with a non-Markovian diffusion process
Model (PNDM, pseudo numerical methods for diffusion models)
4.4. Conditional Diffusion
Model (Guided diffusion, classifier-guided)
Model (classifier-free guidance)
Model (GLIDE, text-to-image)
Model (SDEdit)
Model (bit diffusion, discrete diffusion)
Model (DreamFusion, 3d diffusion, text to 3d)
4.5. Latent Diffusion
Model (latent diffusion, stable diffusion)
run diffusion on the latent space, the diffusied latent vector is further decoded into an image