0x412 Bayesian
- 1. Movitaion
- 2. Prior
- 3. Inference
- 4. Sampling Methods
- 5. Approximate Methods
- 6. Reference
This note follows the Jordan's stats 260 notes and a few chapters from PRML
1. Movitaion
Definition (infinite exchangeability) a sequence of random variable \((x_1, x_2, ...)\) is said to be infiinitely exchangeable if for any \(n\), the joint distribution \(p(x_1, x_2, ..., x_n)\) is invariant to the permutation of indices
infinite exchangeability is related to iid, it is a broader concept, iid implies infinite exchangebility, but not vice versa.
A characterization of infinite exchangeability is given by De Finetti
Theorem (De Finetti) A sequence of random variable is infinite exchangeable iff for all \(n\)
for some measure \(P\) on \(\theta\)
It says that if we have exchangeable data,
- there must exist a likelihood \(p(x | \theta)\)
- there must exist a distribution \(P\) on \(\theta\)
- it render the data \(x_1, ..., x_n\) conditionally independent
This gives the motivation of the existence of underlying parameter and prior
2. Prior
2.1. Discrete Conjugate Model
2.1.1. Beta-Binomial Model
Suppose we want to model a binary random variable \(X \in \{ 0, 1 \}\) with Bernoulli distribution
Given the sample \(\mathcal{D}=\{X_1, ..., X_n \}\), we know the likelihood can be written as
The ML estimator is
where \(m = \sum_n X_i\) is the sufficient statistics.
The conjugate of Bernoulli/Binomial distribution is the Beta distribution, recall its pdf form is
It has the same shape of \(\mu^X (1-\mu)^{1-X}\), therefore can serve as the prior and posterior.
The posterior has the form
Using the properties of beta distributions, we know the MAP estimator is
however, be careful that posterior mean is different
If our goal is to predict the outcome of the next trial, we can
2.1.2. Dirichlet-Multinomial Model
2.2. Gaussian Conjugate Model
Jordan's lecture 5 has a good summary
2.2.1. Gaussian Formula
Some useful formula
Lemma (bivariate Gaussian conditional) Assume \((a, b)\) has a bivariate Guassian distribution, then \(a | b\) is Guassian with
An alternative way to represent them is use \(\rho = \frac{Cov(a, b)}{\sigma_{a}\sigma_{b}}\)
Lemma (multivariate Gaussian conditional)
Given a joint Gaussian distribution \(N(x|\mu, \Sigma)\) with the precision matrix \(\Lambda = \Sigma^{-1}\)
and \(x = (x_a, x_b)\)
The conditional distribution is given by
An alternative way to represent them is to use precision matrix where
Lemma (linear Gaussian conditional)
Suppose we have two random variables, \(x, y\) whose distributions are given as
This is an example of a linear Gaussian system,
The joint distribution \(z=(x,y)\) is
the marginal distribution of \(y\) is given by
the posterior is given by
2.2.2. Random Mean, Fixed Variance
Lemma Conjugate distribution of \(\mu\) is normal distribution. Suppose the prior distribution of \(\mu\) is \(\mathcal{N}(\mu_0, \sigma^2_0)\), then the posterior distribution is
2.2.3. Fixed Mean, Random Variance
Lemma (Posterior) Conjugate distribution of precision \(\lambda\) is Gamma distribution. Suppose the prior distribution is Gamma distribution with \((a,b)\) hyperparameter, then posterior Gamma distribution is
Lemma (prediction, marginalization)
We might want to compute the probability of some new data given old data,
This integral can be reduced to the student's t-distribution
where \(\mu=2a, \lambda=a/b\)
2.2.4. Random Mean Random Variance
The multivariate version is the Wishart distribution
Conjugate distribution of \(\sigma\) is inverse-Gamma distribution
Conjugate distribution of both mean and precision is called normal gamma distribution
2.3. Uninformative Prior
objective Bayesians instead prefer priors which do not strongly influence the posterior distribution. Such a prior is called an uninformative prior
2.3.1. Jeffrey Prior
Definition (Jeffery prior) Jeffery prior is motivated to be invariant of variable transformation, it is defined as
where \(I\) is the Fisher information,
It can be shown using chain rules:
Using the expectation of score function, we get
2.3.2. Reference Prior
3. Inference
3.1. Estimation
3.1.1. Bayes Estimator
Let \(\pi\) be a prior distribution, after observing \(X^n=(X_1, ..., X_n)\), the posterior has density
where \(m(x^n)=\int p(x^n | \theta)\pi(\theta) d\theta\) is the marginal distribution.
Definition (posterior risk) The posterior risk of an estimator \(\hat\theta(x^n)\) is defined by
Definition (Bayes risk) The Bayes risk \(B_\pi(\hat\theta)\) satisfies
Recall that Bayes risk call also be written with Frequentist risk \(R\) normalized with prior:
See this lecture note for more info
Definition (Bayes estimator) Bayes estimator \(\hat\theta_B\) is to minimize posterior risk for each \(x\)
Bayes estimator for mean square error
For squared error loss, the posterior risk is
The minimizer is the Bayes estimator, it is known as the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator
Bayes estimator for other losses
If \(L(\theta, \delta) = | \theta - \delta|\), then the Bayes estimator is the median of posterior, if loss is 0-1 loss, then the Bayes estimator is the mode of posterior
3.1.2. EM algorithm
The goal of the EM algorithm is to find MLE or MAP for models having latent variables or randomly missing values.
The set of observed data is \(X\), the latent variables are \(Z\), the log likelihood function (evidence) is given by
where the summation over latent variables inside the logrithm (they are typically some mixture models). therefore intractable. To maximize wrt \(\theta\), we apply the ELBO decomposition
recall where the RHS is called evidence lowerbound (ELBO):
proof of ELBO decomposition
the ELBO decomposition is easy to derive by adding KL and ELBO:
The goal of EM algorithm is to maximize evidence \(\log p(X|\theta)\) by iteratively improving both ELBO and KL on the right hand:
In the expectation step,
we first evaluate posterior \(p(Z | X, \theta^{old})\) and set
This is to optimize the KL term (i.e. \(KL(q(Z) || p(Z|X))\)) on the right side. The left side (i.e. \(\log p(X|\theta)\)) remains same as it does not depend on \(q\), therefore ELBO is improved as a result.
Next, we want to further improve EM by improve wrt \(\theta\)
This is equivalent to maximize the following \(\mathcal{Q}\) function as denominator \(q(Z)\) is fixed and does not depend on \(\theta^{new}\)
Note this is easy since the target is wrt complete data \((X,Z)\)
In the Maximization step, we actually optimize \(\theta\)
In conclusion:
- Expectation-step is to compute the \(Q\) function
- Maximization-step is to maximize wrt \(\theta\)
3.2. Hypothesis Testing
3.2.1. Model Comparison
Suppose we want to compare a set of models \(\{ \mathcal{M}_i \}\), we wish to evaluate the posterior
Suppose we know the piror, then we are interesting to know the term \(p(\mathcal{D} | \mathcal{M}_i)\), which is called the evidence
Definition (evidence) The model evidence is the preference of a model \(\mathcal{M}\) by the data.
Sometimes, dependence of \(\mathcal{M}\) can be omitted, so it simply becomes \(p(\mathcal{D})\)
The evidence is to marginalize over all paremeter \(\theta\), therefore it is also called the marginal likelihood
Definition (Bayes factors) We can use the ratio of model evidence to compare two models:
With the assumption that the true distribution is generated from one of the compared models \(\mathcal{M}_1\), then on average, the Bayesian model favour the correct model
because this is a KL divergence.
3.3. Confidence Interval
3.3.1. Frequentist Interpretation
Frequentists assume that there exists a singular true value of some unknown parameter θ. Either the true parameter is in this interval or not (probability is 0 or 1). The probability arises when considering repeated intervals and randomness comes from data
The \(1 − \alpha\) confidence interval \(C(X)\) is constructed such that
3.3.2. Bayesian Interpretation
In Bayesian inference, the parameter \(\theta\) has its own probability space, a confidence interval or credible interval can be constructed using posterior \(\pi(\theta | x)\) such as
3.4. Challenges
In many Bayesian inference problems, we are interested in is related to the evalution of the posterior distribution \(P(Z|X)\). It can be expressed by
Usually \(P(X,Z)\) is easy to compute but the marginal distribution (evidence) \(P(X)\) is not in the closed form and is difficult to evaluate due to the integration.
Note in EM algorithm we assume \(P(Z|X)\) and its expectation is tractable and we set \(Q(Z) = P(Z|X)\) in the E-step. For example, in GMM, \(P(X)=\sum_k P(X, Z=k)\) is tractable as \(k\) is discrete and not very large.
Another example of difficulty in marginal distribution is the Markov random field where
where the partition function \(Z\) is not tractable
4. Sampling Methods
Sampling methods is one approach to draw samples from \(P(X)\), again this is a difficult task because
- \(P(X) = f(X) / Z\) where \(Z\) is intractable
- even it is tractable, drawing samples would be difficult in high-dimensional spaces
MCMC provides a solution for this, and suitable to the following tasks:
- draw samples from \(P(X)\)
- evaluate expectation \(E_{P(X)} \phi(x)\) wrt to \(P(X)\)
use case: predictive distribution
Given data \(\mathcal{D}\), if we want to know the predictive distribution
We need to evaluate expectation of posterior distribution
4.1. Monte Carlo Integration
Suppose we want to evaluate the integral:
If we cannot solve it analytically, we can do random sampling to approximate it
where \(w(x) = h(x)*(b-a)\) and \(f(x)=1/(b-a)\) Then we can sample \(X_i \sim \text{Uniform}(a,b)\)
By law of large numbers, \(\hat{I}\) converges to \(I = E_f [w(X)]\) in probability.
4.2. Basic Samplings
4.2.1. Rejection Sampling
Suppose, we want to sample from \(p(z)\), the sampling directly from \(p(z)\) is difficult, but we can evaluate \(p(z)\) up to some normalizing constant \(Z\)
where \(\tilde{p}\) can be evaluated easily.
We prepare a simpler proposal distribution \(q(z)\), and introduce \(k\) such that \(kq(z) \geq \tilde{p}(z)\) for all \(z\). In each step, we sample \(z_0\) from \(q(z)\) and generate a number \(u_0\) from the uniform distribution over \([0, kq(z_0)]\). If \(u_0 > \tilde{p}(z_0)\), then it is rejected, otherwise \(z_0\) is accepted.
Rejection sampling will not work in high-dimensional case because the acceptance rate will decrease exponentialy with respect to the dimension.
4.2.2. Importance Sampling
Check this book chapter
In Bayesian inference, we are interested in evaluting integral \(h(x)\) wrt the posterior distribution \(f(x)\).
However, the posterior distribution might not be easy to sample. Instead of using the posterior, we sample from another distribution \(g\) to evaluate the integral
Algorithm (importance sampling) We can simluate this by sampling \(X_i \sim g\) and estimate
\(\hat{I}\) is an unbiased estimator of \(I\).
It converges to \(I\) almost surely by SLLN
This estimator's variance is
which suggests a good estimator should be
approximation of partition function
One example of application is to estimate partition function, let \(p(x) = f(x)/Z\) and \(q(x)\) be the proposal function
Algorithm (self-normalizing importance sampling) If we only know the density up to a constant \(f(x) = f_0(x)C_0\) and \(g(x) = g_0(x)C_1\), we can still apply the importance sampling using
where \(w(X) = f_0(X) / g_0(X)\).
This still converges to \(I\) almost surely by applying SLLN to nominator and denominator separately.
when to use importance sampling
- \(f(x)\) is difficult to sample from, but can be evaluated up to the constant factor
- \(g(x)\) is easy to sample and evaluate
- we can choose \(g(x)\) to be high with \(h(x)f(x)\)
4.3. Metropolis-Hasting Algorithm
This youtube is very clear explaining the idea here
Let \(f(x)\) be the (maybe unnormalized) target density, \(x^{(j)}\) be a current value, and \(q(x|x^{(j)})\) be a proposal distribution, then
First sample from
Calculate the acceptance probability
Set \(x^{(j+1)} = x^*\) with probability \(\rho\), otherwise keep the same \(x^{(j)}\)
Note the sequence \(x^{(j)}\) is not independent
Algorithm (random-walk Metropolis) When the proposal distribution is symmetric \(q(x | x^{(j)}) = q(x^{(j)} | x)\), then it can be simplified to
Algorithm (independent Metropolis-Hasting) another simplification is to use \(q(x | x^{(j)}) = q(x)\)
property (probability, convergence in distribution)
where \(X \sim f(x)\)
property (expectation, convergence in distribution)
See this video for Adaptive MCMC
4.4. Gibbs Sampling
Gibbs Sampling is a special case of Metropolis-Hastings algorithms
Consider the distribution \(p(z)=p(z_1, ..., z_m)\) from which we wish to sample and we have some initial state.
Each step of the Gibbs sampling is to replce the value of one of the variables \(x_i\) conditioned on the existing values of remaining variables:
This is repeated for all variables \(i\), and repeated for \(T\) steps.
5. Approximate Methods
Consider the intractable posterior \(p(\theta | \mathcal{D})\)
where \(Z=p(\mathcal{D})\) is intractable, the goal is to approximate both \(Z\) and posterior \(p(\theta | \mathcal{D})\)
5.1. Evidence Approximation
Evidence approximation is also known as empirical bayes or Type-2 maximum likelihood.
it may be viewed as an approximation to a fully Bayesian treatment of a hierarchical model wherein the parameters at the highest level of the hierarchy are set to their most likely values, instead of being integrated out.
For example, we can maximize wrt to the hyperparameter \(\alpha\) suppose the posterior is sharply peaked around its mode
where \(\hat{\alpha}\) is the mode of posterior \(p(\alpha | \mathcal{D})\)
5.2. Laplace Approximation
Laplace approximation is used for reasonably well-behaved functions such that most of their mass concentrated in a small region.
After applying the Taylor expansion, we obtained
where \(\sigma^2 = 1/h_2(\hat{x})\) and \(\hat{x} = \text{argmin}_x h(x)\)
In the multivariate case, the approximation becomes
where \(\Sigma = (D^2h(\hat{x}))^{-1}\) is the inverse of Hessian of \(h\) evaluated at \(\hat{x}\)
Laplace approximation is to approximate this uni-modal distribution with a normal density function.
5.2.1. Marginal Likelihood Approximation
Using the Taylor-expansion around MAP
Then we can approximate
5.2.2. BIC
The Bayesian information criterion1 score tries to minimize the impact of the prior as much as possible, therefore, \(\theta_{MAP}\) is replaced with \(\theta_{ML}\)
Note that there is no prior \(\pi(\theta)\) in this estimate, so it is clearly not a Bayesian procedure.
5.3. Evidence Lowerbound (ELBO)
Consider the simplest case where the dataset only has one data point: \(\mathcal{D} = \{ X \}\). then Evidence \(\log p(X)\) can be lower bounded:
By Jensen's inequality
where the RHS is called evidence lowerbound (ELBO):
Another interpretation is \(\text{evidence}\) can be decomposed into \(\text{ELBO}\) and the KL divergence betwen \(q(Z)\) and \(p(Z|X)\):
For any choice of \(q(Z)\), we have
This is easy to derive by adding KL and ELBO:
ELBO is used in both EM algorithm and Variational Inference.
- In EM algorithm: we want to find \(\theta\) to maximize the evidence \(\log p(X; \theta)\)
- In Variational Inference, we want to approximate the posterior \(p(Z|X)\).
5.4. Contrastive Divergence
The partition function is usually intractable, so it is difficult to compute the gradient, contrastive divergence (CD) is an approach to estimate the gradient of partition function using (1 cycle) MCMC.
We first rewrite the NLL loss as
The second term is trivial, the first term can be rewritten as follows: (this derivation can be seen as a special case of gradient estimation)
where the expectation can be down using sample from MCMC. Empirically, Hinton has found that even 1 cycle of MCMC is sufficient for the algorithm to converge to the ML answer.
with this assumption
Related links:
5.5. Score Matching
This note is a very good summary of score matching of the paper
Model (score matching) Again, consider the situation where we want to train a probabilsitic model
where \(q\) can be evaluated but \(Z\) is unknown.
Taking the derivative with respect to \(x\), we obtained the equality of score function (note the standard definition of score function in statistics is the derivative wrt to the parameter)
\(Z\) disappears because it does not depend on \(x\). Let us define the score function \(\psi(x; \theta)\)
and \(\psi_d(x)\) be the unknown true score function, we would like to match score function between \(\psi\) and \(\psi_d\)
The intuition of this loss function is that if the score function match, we might expect the underlying distribution also matches.
The original paper has a proof that if the true model is within this parameteric model, then minimizing this loss is equivalent of MLE.
To solve this loss, we rewrite it as
where \(\partial_i \psi_{i}(x; \theta) = \frac{\partial \psi_i(x; \theta)}{\partial x_i}\)
5.6. Noise Contrastive Estimation
NCE is another model to provide estimation principle to the unnormalized mode. It considers \(Z\) as part of the parameter and minimizes a loss function.
Model (NCE loss, noise contrastive estimation)
Let \(f(x; \alpha)\) be an un-normalized model (i.e: \(p(x; \theta) = f(x; \alpha)/Z(\alpha)\)), we consider \(Z\) as a parameter and optimize wrt \(\theta = (\alpha, c)\) where \(c = -\log Z\) and \(\log p\) becomes tractable
Consider another noise distribution \(\tilde{x} \sim q(x)\) and define the log odds \(l(x)= \log \frac{p_\theta(x)}{q(x)}\), we optimizes the cross-entropy loss
Under some conditions, it can be shown this estimator \(\hat{\theta}_T\) is consistent: \(\hat{\theta}_T \to \theta^*\) in probability. For details about this estimator, check sec 2.3 in the paper.
5.7. Maximum Mean Discrepancy
5.8. Variational Inference
Check Chapter 10 Approximate Inference in PRML and this paper
This is a very good blog in Japanese
In EM algorithm, we explicitly compute posterior \(Q(Z) = P(Z|X; \theta^{old})\) and its expectation
However, computing posterior and expectation is not always analytical due to high dimensional and complex forms.
The idea behind Variational Inference is to first posit a family of densities and then to find the member of that family which is close to the target (i.e. posterioir \(P(Z|X)\)). Closeness is measured by Kullback-Leibler divergence.
Unlike MCMC approach (probabilistic and exact scheme), Variational Inference is a deterministic approximation scheme.
We first specify a family \(\mathcal{Q}\) over latent variables \(Z\). Each distribution \(Q(Z)\) is an candidate to approximate the exact conditional \(P(Z|X)\). We want to find the best one by solving the following optimization problem
To achieve this, consider the ELBO formulation again:
Since evidence is not dependent on \(Q\), we can find \(Q^*\) by maximizing wrt ELBO
5.8.1. Mean-Field Variational Family
One family commonly used to approximate posterior is the mean-field variational family or factorized distributions
To optimize wrt to this family, we can use the coordinate ascent to optimize each coordinate \(Z_j\) everytime, it will lead to a local minimum
5.9. Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)
6. Reference
[1] Murphy, Kevin P. Machine learning: a probabilistic perspective. MIT press, 2012.
[2] PRML
[4] Michael Jordan's Stat 260 lecture note