0x312 Sequence
This page deals with sequence algorithms and string algorithms
1. Sequence
This section handles algorithms and data structures related to sequences. I also merged string algorithm in this section, because string is a specific instance of sequence.
1.1. Strategies
Two pointer: maintain a subsequence by recording its left pointer and right pointer Both pointers will iteratively get updated while keeping the subsequence to be invariant to a specific property.
Look up your sequence : sometimes it is helpful to check whether your sequence is a well-known sequence
1.2. Subsequence Problems
- Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS): \(O(n^2)\) solution or \(O(nlog(n))\) solution
- Longest Common Subsequence (LCS): DP solution
- Maximum Subarray Problem: find subarray whose sum is the maximum (kadane)
2. String Problems
Find matching patterns in a string. Introduction to algorithm has a chapter of good introduction regarding this topic.
2.1. Data Structure
2.1.1. Rope
Normal array might not be efficient in some cases. For example, concatenation takes \(O(n)\). Rope represents a string in a balanced tree where each leaf is a immutable string, and each node stores the total length of the left subtree.
It has better performance for some operations such as concatenation \(O(log(n))\), but worse performance for indexing \(O(log(n))\).
This is usually used to store strings, for example, in editor.
2.1.2. Suffix Array
2.2. Matching Problems
Definition (string matching problem) Given an string text \(T[n]\) and another string pattern \(P[m]\), where \(m \leq n\), find all matching shifts with which a given pattern \(P\) occurs in a given text.
Levenshetin distance: edit distance. In the bioinformatics, there is an equivalent algorithm called Needleman–Wunsch algorithm which maximizes the similarity instead of minimizing distance.
Rabin-Karp: hash the pattern into an integer (rolling hash), and find whether the hash appears in the string. pay attention to the spurious hits.
Finite Automata: transforming the pattern into an automata
KMP: build a transition table. When failing match ith char, transit to match table[i-1]
Aho-Corasick: the multi-pattern version of KMP: transition table becomes a transition graph on top of Trie. (used in fgrep)
Boyer-Moore: match pattern from right to left, shift the pattern when mismatched using (1) bad character rule (2) good suffix rule
Suffix Array
Manber & Myers: sort suffix array by increasing subsequence by the factor of 2. \(O(nlog^2 n)\)
2.3. Sequence Query Problems
RMQ (Range Minimum Query) statement: query the minimum element within a given range on a sequence
- segment tree
- dynamic programming
- sparse table
3. Compression
3.1. Huffman Code
prefix code of loss less compression variable length code algorithm: recursively merge top two lowest frequent nodes to build the binary tree LZ77/LZ78